Belize - 2013 - Sewing Class

Belize - 2013 - Sewing Class

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

This has been a lot like camping! Some days no electric, some days no water, some days no hot water. Joe is getting used to the element of surprise.! Joe will have some info on the water a little later.

January 26, 2014 - Sunday
Very Pretty morning, no rain!  and we have water!!
Coffee and devotions on porch before church.
Carmen and Faye's church is at a lumber yard until they are able to build. Pastor Dave is a very dynamic person. The sermon was about just not sitting but to get off your "blessed assurance" and
follow Jesus.
After church, lunch with Carmen, Faye, Barb and Troy.
This was also laundry day and the day to work on sewing machines. In His Will donated their
sewing machines to Threads of Hope. We have them all cleaned up and ready to run.
We lost power for about 2 1/2  hours but made a run to Cayo Twist!!! YUMMY! Love their soy
ice cream.

January 27, 2014 Monday
Foggy cool morning.
Left for Los Tambos at 7:45.
Assembly at LosTambos school, all those kids are growing SO fast.
Ms Lily introduced the new manager of the Cayo area district. Ms Doret.
Very nice lady, she also seems to have a special place in her heart for
Los Tambos. She was very gracious and thanked FCPC for all the help
they have been over the years.
Visited Selena, talked to a few people we will have classes there on Tuesday, next week.
Back to Unitedville at for class at 1:00. Didn't have very many today but the word didn't get out but we did have a lot of fun.
Joe is working on the work tables.

January 28, 2014 Tuesday
Beautiful cool morning.
This was suppose to be all day in Unitedville but went to help out some people who had some problems. As always, when you get into Los Tambos it is never a short visit.
We planned to stop for breakfast on the way back but that never happened.
Stopped to get a few things at the Farmer's trading center and met a man from the Bio Sphere farm. His name is Stephen and this will be a story to tell when we get back. A interestingly strange fellow.
Invited him to the school.........we'll see if he comes.
Class again at 1:00, this time we had 7 ladies. Great group, lots of fun. LOTS of babies!

January 29, 2014 - Wednesday
A little rain this morning and now the sun is out. I won't say how nice because I understand most all of you are having very cold weather.
We are having the last class for the ladies of Unitedville. They have all learned to embroider and bead, some of them have done very well. They are a great group and have been a blessing to share their time with me.
Today at 3:00 we are leaving for Orange Walk to spend the night with Ms Tomasita's family, mom and siblings. In the morning they will take us on to Chetamul and across the border. We will be shopping for Thread's of Hope. Looking to purchase fabric, zippers and threads. Paying $1.50yd for fabric, .35 for a zipper and .50 for a spool of thread. We are returning tomorrow and will have our first class in LosTambos on Friday. 

I apologize again for the "book" format but it is hard to get to the computer then there is the power and internet issue.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 22, 2014
Up at 3:00am, finish packing, on the road by 4:30am. Burrrrr it's cold! Of course we wore shorts which didn't seem like such a good idea @ 9 degrees.
We boarded the plane for Atlanta - BEAUTIFUL clear sky, sun coming up over the snow covered mountains....good bye snow!
To think 5 weeks ago and what was happening. By the grace of God and the help of all our friends and church family we are on our way.
Our travel was uneventful, thankfully. We arrived on time in Belize to a warm sunny 81degrees.
Our first stop was Cheers, yummy chicken, beans and rice. We had several people approach us that wanted to know about the mission, several very good contacts to have here in Belize. The one is from the Rotary and KNOWS people. Joe has the scoop on that.  
Unloaded totes at the mission house and back to Carmen and Faye's for dinner with Troy, Barbara and Leroy. We sorted through quilts, dresses and shorts that we had brought  for the preschool students.
Long day, to bed early and a good night sleep.

January 23, 2014
Morning brings rain and sunshine. Sitting on the and devotions. Making plans for the day. Off to Spanish Look Out and on to Lost Tambos school to put the schedule together for the sewing classes.
We picked up Ms Tomasita at her house.......guess what.....the roads in LosTambos are WORSE than last year. Hard to imagine. It has been raining a lot and there has been a lot of flooding.
We met with Ms. Lily....she has 3 teachers who will be taking sewing classes between 12:00 and 1:00, everyday that we can work it in.
We also have 2 new women from the village who will be taking classes this trip with the other ladies of the group.  Ms. Tomasita has kept attendance through the year and there has been the same 12 women who continue to come for every class. There has been a lot of progress made by this group and we are so very proud of them.
Ms. Lily is a great supporter of the sewing class, she helps by letting them use the solar power energy for the machines and allowing them to use the space in the palapa hut for classes. We are looking for projects to do to as a way to thank her.
We have a list of repairs for the machines and tables to build before we can start our classes. The group has finished numerous projects and they are anxious to show us their work. I am excited! It should be fun. 

Classes in Selena still remain to be scheduled but I will now have Ms Tomasita's help with the class and we are hoping to have the instructor Louisa Escalante work with the ladies though out the next year. This will be wonderful for them to have someone to work with them every two weeks.

January 24, 2014
Up early, had a good breakfast at Cheers the hit the road for Chetamul.
Spent most of the day on the road about 2.5 hours drive to Chetamul with Carmen and Faye.  Walked through a very expensive mall, went into Sam's Club and shopped the market district. The market district was the most fun.....A FABRIC store! Whoo hooo!!!  Checking the pricing for thread, zippers and fabrics. Really good pricing on everything.  We will be returning on Thursday with Ms Tomasita and Ms Louisa to purchase supplies for the sewing group.
Did I mention we didn't have water in the mission house??? Just like camping, it's a good thing Joe has had practise.

January 25, 2015
Raining this morning.
Did I mention that we don't have running water? (in the faucets) we have it everywhere else.

Faye and I went to market, it was raining a little.
Joe and Carmen left for LosTambos to set up the system to measure for the water in the spring.
That's where we are today.....................more to follow when Joe returns.

Sorry that we had to blog all of this together, certainly didn't want to write a book. Internet has been
difficult for some reason and we haven't been able to get on. Must be the rain??


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year!!

Still on schedule to depart on January 22nd and returning on February 12th.

Our departure date is 17 days away with lots happening. We are now in the process of organizing our supplies for the 4 totes. A number of people have donated fabric, patterns and supplies. All of which are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use by the ladies in the sewing groups. We are looking for a few more things. If you have any small glass craft beads or embroidery floss that you have tucked away and are not using please consider donating them to Threads of Hope. We have planned an embroidery and bead project to help the ladies understand hand sewing methods.

Please keep us in your prayers for guidance as we prepare for the trip.