Belize - 2013 - Sewing Class

Belize - 2013 - Sewing Class

Friday, November 22, 2013

It has been 10 months since our last trip, two more months to go and we will be back in Los Tambos, Belize. On our next trip we are spending 3 weeks to give us more time to help another area with sewing classes. Rev. Juan Peralta approached us the day before we left last year and asked if we could spend time with a group of ladies in Selena which is close to Los Tambos. Time runs out so quickly so we promised to make contact for 2014, we did and we have plans to spend 5 days in Selena. The ladies have machines but no one to teach them how to sew. They all want to learn how to make their children's school uniforms. It certainly is a start. I think I need to brush up on my pattern skills.

The sewing group in Los Tambos continues to meet twice a month with Ms Tomasita Gonzales coordinating the activities. The group has averaged 15 people per class. Luisa Escalente comes from San Ignacio and is instructing the ladies on the use of patterns and how to make clothes. Ms Tomasita was able to acquire an additional 4 sewing machines for the group, they now have a total of 6 machines which will help speed up completion time on their projects. The ladies are still meeting in the palapa hut at the school where they have access to solar power.
The group now has two separate skill sets. Sewing clothes and the other is hand and embroidery work. I think the two groups can compliment each other. They still enjoy coming together worshipping and helping out.
In June when the mission team went to Belize they were able to see the sewing ladies in action. The team also took several totes of supplies that the group needed.

Our plans for the trip in January:
BUILD WORK TABLES  -  build work tables for both groups, in Los Tambos and in Selena. The tables will be used for layout and cutting fabrics. There may even come a day when they can use the tables for ironing.
SIDE TRIP - We plan to make a trip to Chetumal, Mexico to purchase some fabrics for the ladies. They have a market place in Chetumal where we can purchase fabrics for $1.00 a yard, which is $.50 US, that is a significant  price difference then the markets in Belize or Guatemala.  Ms Gonzales and her husband will be making the trip with us.
LOS TAMBOS SEWING GROUP - We plan to work with the ladies in the group to help incorporate the hand embroidery and new fabrics purchased into tote bags.
ADDITIONAL SEWING CLASSES -  We plan to teach hand stitching, embroidery and beading in La Gracia at the school and in Unitedville at the Learning Center.
IN HIS WILL -  Joe will be working  with Carmen on work projects on the buildings and up keep
for the mission.

All of the things that WE have PLANNED only happen with God's blessings.

Please keep us in your prayers for God's guidance as we make plans for our 10th trip to Belize. We thank all of you for your support through the years. We pray that we will be able to continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we share with our friends in Belize.